
We're here to help

Our comprehensive list of services ensures that every patient gets the dental treatment they need right here in our office.

Dentistry For Kids

We provide dental care for children of all ages from dental fillings to tooth extractions in a warm and welcoming environment.

Preventive Dentistry

From dental hygiene exams to dental sealants, we offer everything your child needs for a healthy smile.

Emergency Care

If an unfortunate accident occurs, trust us for emergency dental services. Call us right away!

Dental Exams & Cleanings

We provide dental care for children of all ages in a warm and welcoming environment.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments make your child’s teeth strong and protected. Ask us about fluoride treatments for your child.

Space Maintainers

If your child loses a tooth too soon, a space maintainer might be the right solution.

Orthodontic Evaluations

We offer orthodontic evaluations for our patients who might benefit from appliances like braces or a palate expander.

Dental Crowns

If your child’s tooth has extensive decay, a dental crown will restore the tooth structure.

Root Canal Treatment

Also known as a baby pulpotomy, a root canal treatment for children can stop a tooth infection.