You asked, we answered! Read our answers to our patients’ most common dental questions below. Have something to ask us? Contact us today!
Do I need to arrive early for my child’s initial appointment?

Please plan to arrive at your child’s appointment ten to fifteen minutes early so we can take care of any paperwork prior to your appointment time. We ask that you bring your ID and any dental insurance cards with you.

How can I get my kids to brush their teeth?

We recommend starting to brush your children’s teeth as soon as their baby teeth erupt. Our number one tip for parents is to make tooth brushing fun! Use a themed timer or sing a song that lasts two minutes to encourage the correct timing, and let your child pick out their own toothbrush. Just make sure it has a soft-bristled brush designed for their age. Here are some other tips for toothbrushing in children:

  • Wrap some rubber bands around the handle of the toothbrush if your child has trouble holding it on their own. You can also shop for toothbrushes with thick handles at most retail stores or online.
  • Teach your children to brush their teeth by breaking the routine into small steps, or by holding your child’s hand gently and guiding them through the process.
  • Use a flavored toothpaste with fluoride. Use a pea-sized amount and always be the one to put the toothpaste on the toothbrush for your child.
What are cavity-fighting sealants?

Cavity-fighting sealants are a thin, protective coating made of plastic or other dental material that is applied to your children’s molars to prevent cavities from forming. They can even stop a tooth that already has some decay from decaying further. The earlier your child gets sealants, the better. Call our office to learn more and to schedule an appointment for sealants today!

How can I prevent my child from developing cavities?

It’s never too early to introduce your child to a good oral care routine, and it’s as important to have good oral care habits at home as it is to visit the dentist regularly. To prevent cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease, be sure your child brushes their teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. The team at Smile Wright Dental recommends that in addition to twice-daily brushing, you should follow these guidelines to help minimize your children’s chances of developing oral health problems:

  • Make sure your child flosses their teeth at least once a day.
  • Feed your child a healthy, balanced diet with minimal sugary, acidic foods to protect their tooth enamel.
  • Visit our office twice a year for dental hygiene exams and dental cleanings.
  • Talk to our staff about optional dental sealants and fluoride treatments to strengthen your child’s teeth and prevent cavities from forming in their molars.
What should I do if my child’s gums are sensitive or bleeding?

Bleeding gums are a sign of periodontal disease, and should be examined as soon as possible. If your child is experiencing bleeding gums, please contact Smile Wright Dental to make an appointment as soon as possible. Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis, and if left untreated, can lead to severe infections in teeth, gums, and oral bone structure.

What dental insurance do you take?

At Smile Wright Dental, we accept all forms of dental insurance. Please bring your identification card and insurance card to your appointments so that our office staff can bill your dental insurance appropriately. Please ensure your child is covered under your insurance plan before scheduling an appointment. If you have questions about your insurance, please feel free to give us a call to discuss it today!

Can a dentist fix a chipped tooth?

We know that accidents happen to everyone, and with our youngest patients, sometimes those accidents can result in chipped teeth. It’s unfortunate, but luckily there are times when chipped teeth can be restored. If your child chips their tooth, try to find the chip and rinse it with clean water. Call our office right away to schedule an appointment for your child to come in. Bring in the chip from their tooth, and we will do the best we can to repair it.

Can a dentist put you to sleep?

We know that many of our patients experience nervousness and even anxiety when they think about visiting the dentist. While we do not offer unconscious sedation in our office, we do offer three different types of sedation to make your child feel more comfortable: oral sedation, nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, and IV sedation. Visit our Sedation page to learn more about how we make your child as comfortable and relaxed as possible at Smile Wright Dental.

Why does your child need to see a dentist every 6 months?

Visiting the dentist every six months for preventive dentistry services is important to keep your children’s developing smiles healthy and beautiful, and the key to reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and the need for dental procedures in the future. The goal of preventive dentistry is to keep teeth and gums clean to avoid damage caused by tooth decay and periodontal disease. Regular visits to the dentist help manage plaque and tartar build-up and ensure that any possible problems are identified and managed as quickly as possible.